Ilha de Moçambique byna Hollands

Au$ 11.71

Product Code: 978-1-920429-19-5 

Ilha de Moçambique byna Hollands

Die Kaap die Goeie Hoop sou waarskynlik nie Hollands gewees het as die Nederlanders aan die begin van die 17de eeu daarin geslaag het om die Fortaleza de São Sebastião op Ilha de Moçambique van die Portugese te verower nie. Volgens Eric Axelson en ander historici was die Nederlanders se futiele besetting van die eiland een van die redes waarom hulle later besluit het om ’n verversingspos aan die Kaap te stig.

Die betreklik onbekende verhaal van die stryd tussen die Portugese en Nederlanders om die besit van Ilha de Moçambique is fassinerend en soms dramaties. Uit die optredes van die strydende partye en hulle leiers kan die leser heelwat van die volksaard en -karakter van die Rooms-Katolieke Portugese en die Protestantse Nederlanders te wete kom.

Maar die hoofkarakter in die verhaal is Ilha de Moçambique self. Hierdie – in grootte – byna onbeduidende eiland het ’n hoofrol gespeel in die Carreira da Índia-drama. Danksy sy strategiese ligging en die handel in goud, ivoor en slawe, het die eiland eeue lank ’n bloeitydperk beleef, maar sy glorie uiteindelik verloor en in die 20ste eeu geleidelik sjarmant verval. Vanweë sy historiese en argitektoniese belangrikheid is Ilha de Moçambique in 1991 deur UNESCO tot ’n wêrelderfenisterrein verklaar.

In hierdie deeglik nagevorsde boek slaag Cobus (O.J.O.) Ferreira daarin om ‘n boeiende kaleidoskopiese geskiedenis byeen te bring. Hy verken die feitlik vergete geskiedenis van Ilha de Moçambique, verduidelik die Nederlanders se belangstelling in die eiland en skets die wel en weë van die besetters en bewoners van die eiland. Nie alleen werp hierdie boek nuwe lig op die Portugees-Nederlandse verhoudinge asook die verloop van die geskiedenis van Suidelike Afrika nie, maar ook op aspekte van die kultuur, kuns, argitektuur en die omgewing .

Die boek beslaan 133 bladsye onder die volgende drie breë hoofde:

  • Inbesitname van Ilha de Moçambique deur die Portugese
  • Nederlandse belangstelling in, en blokkade van Ilha de Moçambique
  • Ilha de Moçambique – van bedrywige hawe tot wêreld-erfenisterrein


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Formaat: PDF Aflaaibare lêer (±33mb)
Bladsye : 133 (in Afrikaans )
ISBN :978-1-920429-19-5

Ilha de Moçambique byna Hollands

Had they succeeded in the early 17th century in conquering the Fortaleza de São Sebastião on Ilha de Moçambique, the Dutch would possibly not have founded the victualling station at the Cape. Eric Axelson and other historians contend that the futile Dutch attempts at taking over the island contributed to the later Dutch decision to found the victualling station at the Cape.

The relatively unknown history of the conflict between the Portuguese and the Dutch for control of Ilha de Moçambique is both fascinating and dramatic. Through the actions of the parties involved as well as those of their leaders, the reader gains insight into the character of the Roman-Catholic Portuguese and the Protestant Dutch.

However, the main character in the story is Ilha de Moçambique itself. This almost insignificant (in size) island played a leading role in the Carreira da Índia-drama. Because of its strategic location and the trade in gold, ivory and slaves, the island enjoyed a golden phase for a few centuries. By the 20th century, however, it had declined both in stature and condition. Due to its historic and architectural importance Ilha de Moçambique was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1991.

With his characteristic thorough research and writing style, Cobus (O.J.O.) Ferreira presents a gripping kaleidoscopic account of the almost-forgotten history of Ilha de Moçambique. He successfully describes both the interest of the Dutch in the island and the life and times of the inhabitants and conquerors. The book sheds new light on Portuguese-Dutch relationships as well as on the history of Southern Africa. It furthermore brings to the fore aspects such as culture, art, architecture and the environment.

The book comprises 133 pages under three main categories:

The Table of Contents can be downloaded here and the Preface here.



Format: Downloadable PDF file(±33mb)
Pages : 133 ( in Afrikaans )
ISBN :978-1-920429-19-5

  • Inbesitname van Ilha de Moçambique deur die Portugese (The occupation of Ilha de Moçambique by the Portuguese)
  • Nederlandse belangstelling in, en blokkade van Ilha de Moçambique (Dutch interest in and blockade of Ilha de Moçambique)
  • Ilha de Moçambique – van bedrywige hawe tot wêreld-erfenisterrein (Ilha de Moçambique – from busy port to world heritage site)